Clinical Automation and Data Driven Insights
The CADDI Lab leverages the ever-increasing amount of available clinical data to improve quality of care, decision support systems, patient outcomes, clinical workflows, and operational efficiency.
Research Areas
Clinical Automation
The field of Radiation Oncology is currently in a golden age of automation. It is, however, still not fully utilizing the advanced technological capabilities available today. Some areas of research that fall broadly under the 'Clinical Automation' umbrella include;
Automation of patient chart checks
Automated treatment planning
Automated quality assurance
Data Driven Insights
The underutilization of available data sources has created clinical and operational inefficiencies in Radiation Oncology. This data will be explored to optimize decision making in areas that include, but are not limited to, the following;
Resource allocation
Quality and performance analysis
Accreditation compliance
Contact Us
The CADDI Lab sits within the
UCSF Department of Radiation Oncology
UCSF Mission Bay
1825 4th Street
San Francisco, CA 94158
alon.witztum [at] ucsf [dot] edu